My blog is plain.
Just like my life.

Elynn Bobbay's.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finally ,

" last minute , "

Fergie - Finally .

1 . AHAAA ! Finally , I've done all the school works . I bet it was the Science only . Can't teachers let us rest ? Just for a while ? Pfft , BOO teachers . hahah ! I'm boo-ing teachers for some reasons . One of the reason , is this . They can't evern give us some rest . Anyway , I've finished doing the folio , and did in mahjung paper . All thanks to ABANG ADIIIMM . I'll always love you . Thank you for helping me XP Yeah , I know . I did my school works last minute . I'm so lazy to do it at the first place and have to present later . Shuush -.-' And school is going to open , is that a good thing to cheer up ? I mean , I want to meet my friends and hate to study . I mean who doesn't ?