"rainy ,"
In my life , there's been heartache and pain . I don't know is I can face it again.
"Hey Sara , it's a call . I'm not sure who ."
"Hello ?"
"I miss you ! Come back to me ! "*hang up
"Huh , what ?!"
"Who is it maybe ?"
"Err Sara , who is it ?"
"Not sure , the voice maybe WHAT ?! no way !"
"Huh , what's wrong with you ?!"
"Is that really him ? Wait , what's wrong with me ? We haven't meet for 2 years . Surely not him . Calm down Sara , you're gonna be okay . Yes , you're okay ."
"Saraa ! It's the stranger again !"
"Huh ? Better catch the phone before he hang up !"
"Hey , I don't know who you are and maybe you should tell your name or I'm gonna hang up my phone before you do !"
"Hey , I just wanna meet you at Starbucks this Sunday , 3 p.m. Okay ? Bye ."
"What the what ?! I'm not going !" *the guy hang up
"Pfft , stranger ! "
"Is it him again ? "
"Yeah -.-"
"What does he wants ?"
"He wants me to meet him at Starbucks this Sunday at 3 . I'm totally not going !"
"What ?! Oh , well how about I follow you ? Maybe he is your fans ? aahaa ;)"
"Hell yeah , super right Jenn , stupid you !"
"What ? I'm serious . Well , I'll follow you then , and we're gonna be ALL RIGHT . yeaah !"
"Alright , okay . What should I'm gonna wear to meet the stranger ?"
"Pfft , don't call him stranger . And you're not gonna go for a date , be cool and just wear any dresses that you want . Not too sexy , or else he's gonna get you . "
"You dirty minded ! HAHAH !"
Sunday , 2.15 p.m -train station .
"Jenn , I don't feel like going . "
"Are you kidding me ? You're super duper hot and you don't feel like going ? Whatever happened to you ?"
"I don't know , I just don't feel right ."
"YOU ARE COMING . Ohh , here's the train ! Just in time ."
"Oh GOD !"
Sunday , 2.50 pm - Starbucks Coffee .
"Jenn , I don't know if the stranger would regonize us . See ? it's 2.51 p.m and he still not around ."
"What are you talking about Sara ? He said we have to meet him at 3 . "
"He should have been here before us right ."
"There must be any problems or something . Let just wait okay !"
"You so arghh -.-"
Sunday , 3.00 p.m - Starbucks Coffee
"And here we go ! It's 3p.m SHARP ;')"
"Oh My God , I'm so nervous ."
"You shouldn't . By the way , you look HOT ! "
"Oh thank you my lady :) And where is he ?! -.-'"
"Pfft , he should be here in any minutes ."
"Hey Sara , remember me ?"
*Sara look at him
"Ha ? Shawn ?!"
"Yes , it's been awhile we haven't meet . "
"Shawn , WE'VE BROKE !"
"I didn't meet to couple with you back . I just want to meet you and I forgot to say that I'm sorry about what did my friends do to you and I'm here to tell you that I'm enggaged and fully married next month and I thought of inviting you to my wedding . You're still my ex and my friend ."
"Err , you guys know each other ?"
"Shut up Jenn ! Ohkay Shawn . Oh really ? Well I'm coming to your wedding to meet your bride . Congratulations ! I'm happy for you :)"
"Thanks Sara !"
"Oh , and who is your mate ?"
"It's Christine ."
"Oh , the fourth grade girl ? Congrats ."
"Yeah , and the phone calls was me . I'm sorry for not telling my name and thank you for coming . I thought you wouldn't come ."
"At first , I don't want to but my very own bestfriend force me to."
"I see , hey I'm Shawn ."
"Jenny :)"
"So , I guess we gotta go ."
"Huh ? Sara , relax . Chill"
"Jenny , we surely have to go . I mean NOW -.-' "
"Come onnn !" *Sara whispered .
"Oh , ohkay . Bye Shawn . Great to meet you ! "*leaving
- awful .