My blog is plain.
Just like my life.

Elynn Bobbay's.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Station 21 ,

"so good !"

1 . I still keep my promise :D

Mak Teh's .

Great , it's Canon and Abg Dim was happy to meet that camera :P

We ate at the same table ;)

Did you know ? Mak Teh and Pak Teh 'celebrate' Ayah's birthday too . HAHA ! They haven't taste the steak yet .

Abg Dim's fish and Chips .

Abang dim is eating his meal .
Our all time favourite steak ! Black Pepper Steak . Memang DELICIOUS !

And we start our conversation although we didn't seat at the same table .

2 . And walla , we were at home safely :D
- steak .