My blog is plain.
Just like my life.

Elynn Bobbay's.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fate and Faith.

"Everything that happens make life tougher."

1. The beginning of 2012. I can feel the stress, tiredness, pain and all sorts of feelings. Honestly, this year to me can be the toughest year to survive. The first 2 months went pretty good and pretty bad. Nevertheless, I still survive. I got lots of resolutions for this year and I promised myself to change. Well, not completely but at least the effort is there.

2. Lots of things have occurred the first 2 months in 2012. Without heartbreaks, you won't feel the true love. Without a problem, it won't make you mature. Without a challenge, there isn't a life there. I have been longing to talk about my life here but I couldn't seem to find any time or any day. I think this is the perfect time to actually express my feelings, here.

3. There's got to be a moment where you have completely lost your faith. Where you have lost your confidence in everything. Where you have finally decided to give up. However, I only trust the One and Only; God. No one knows how I feel. No one understands me, not even my Mom. No one knows how I pull this through, alone. No one except Allah and I. I trust only Him. I know that whatever things happen, there is always a reason behind it.

"After the storm, if you look hard enough, a rainbow appears."

4. I believe that when I work hard on something, I get the ten times results unexpectedly. And of course, with full of faith and prayers. I hope there is going to be less heartbreaks, hurt and pain throughout my stay in 2012. 

5. For the last 2 months: January and February. I finally found a little happiness, here. 

A little bebird got hurt, I was the only one who saved it. Mind praying for me, love? :) 

This is what I want to achieve. This is what I want to change, completely. This is what I've been hoping for. I believe that one day, this is what I will be wearing. This is what I will show in the pictures. This is what will bring me to heaven with my prayers and rewards, insyaAllah. 

- "There is a light in me that shines brightly."