This post special for my lovely AM , MWAH <3 love you :P *puke
1 . Hello everyone ! I can't wait to buka puasa later . Whee , one hour to go . Hehe , I'm craving for ayam percik . I told mom but she did ayam masak merah. She said , tomorrow we will go to bazaar ramadhan . Insyallah , oh guess what ? Kakak is here . Yeh yeeh !
Wait , salah ni I tangkap . Kepala pulak yang kecik . Hehe :D tak apalah , as long as you get the picture of my book , wait salah . AM's book (:
comel kan boyfriend kita ?

the REAL thing :D
saya akan bunuh coleen . I mean , I'm much more hotter . wait , AM said I'm not . okay Coleen , you won -.-
Tahu lah AM . Janganlah copy my blog's tittle :'P you bloody stalker ! hahah
3 . Okaylah , bye lah ! Taknak dah type . tengok jelah all the pictures :D bye bye ! nak buka puasa .
- rooney.